A webcomic from a while back
Welcome to this internet website, brought to you by on-line! This intro (and the site itself in certain areas) is currently a little rushed, since my deadline for getting this archival version up and running came about a week earlier than expected, so here's the short version for now:
This is a webcomic I used to make with a friend! It ran infrequently for just over 8 years (2006–2014) and has been on the dreaded "Indefinite Webcomic Hiatus" for just under 10, as of this writing.
In time, I intend to add new author commentary to every strip, with a decade of hindsight (most likely in the forms of "This did not age well and I'm sorry," and "I swear I'm not this cringe anymore, please believe me"), though that will unfortunately have to wait. So. Please bear that in mind with these older strips!
You can continue forward from here to read As You're Up from the beginning, or if you prefer you can start at the last page and work your way back.